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Pradeep Sharma

From a Small Shop to a Profitable Online Store

Centre Of Business Excellence


I have been running my retail store from almost 4 years and never understood what could be the way for me to grow this beyond my region and that’s when the business coaching process came as a saviour. With my coach I was able to strategize, launch and successfully scale my retail store into an online store I have not only gone pan India but have expanded multi country with exports. This has been a game changer for me and my business. Profits have gone 200% and revenue has gone 4X.

Ravi Shinde

Small home based manufacturing to large scale growth

Centre Of Business Excellence


We have been manufacturing Indian spices since 2 generations but the only issue was it has been a small home based operation since ages And wanted to take to the next level which is why I got into coaching system. Few things that have shifted in my business in guess just 7 months is that we are no longer home based operations, we ave a proper manufacturing unit with 85% production capacity. Our revenue has growth 200% by adding new channels of sales like supplying to restaurants and opening a retail store with our own brand. From 3 people team we have grown to 7 member team with proper SOP, KRA AND KPI in place Over all I can say that I have transitioned from a small home based start-up to a full fledged HIGHLY PROFITABLE business

Aakash Gupta

Automated the First Business & Launched another

Centre Of Business Excellence


Have been an artist and choreographer all my life but never knew how can I structure my art and skills to build a business around it. The business coaching sessions with my coach really helped me setup a business model I was able to create concrete strategies to market my craft and build a team to server more and more customer. Over a period of 1 year, I have grown this business to 300% Revenue growth. Not only that, I have successfully automated this entire business with the help of effective systems and efficient team And through the support of the coach I have launched another business where I am helping fellow Artis build and scale their craft into a profitable business. I do not think any of this was possible without the guidance of a coach. Eternally thankful to the entire team.

Satyam Pande

Nobody to Owner of a Profitable Brand

Centre Of Business Excellence


I come from very humble background and started working in the women apparel industry. Started with a small store with 300 Sq Feet of space Running it like any other retail store, waiting for customer to walk in, try and convince them to buy No systems, no strategies, no reporting. As sir says “ram bharose hotel” But I had a vision to build a brand and not stay at the live I had started, This lead to me finding a business coach and which landed me in the coaching system. In about a year’s time I have been able grow my store from 300 to 3000 Sq feet Ih ave started Designing Apparels with 5x the ticket size of my other products (Was my dream to become a Designer) And I have also started a fashion institute in order to help and guide young people on how to succeed in the apparel and fashion business

Vijay Parihar

From micro-managing to running his business on autopilot



After hearing my entrepreneur friend rave about Ameet Parekh the last time I met him, I decided to attend one of his workshops for myself. I must say that he lives up to his name. His has this vast set of experiences with so many entrepreneurs who are service providers, manufacturers, dealers, retailers & many others are self-employed professionals or consultants. He teaches everything he has learnt from growing so many businesses & with all that experience under his belt, makes his trainings priceless. I\'m not looking forward to attend another of his advance workshop.

Gopal Dhar

27% Growth In Revenue In 4 Months



I have seen a 27% revenue growth in my textile family business in less than 4 months post consultations with Ameet Parekh’s team of coaches. Since we had experienced last 5-6 years without any growth, rather our business was degrowing year on year. I was hoping for some growth to start happening in 6-8 months, but hats off to Coach Umesh who has helped my business to attain such substantial growth, right from the word go. I have set up my commission agents in areas we had never reached I have even started getting online enquiries from far off places. Under my coach’s guidance, we are working on an ERP set up now, as we are looking to revive our business & grow to next level. I have got some real value from his coaching and he has delivered more than my expectations. Thank you Mr Parekh.

Deepak Singh

A Transformative Experience That Lives Up to the Hype!



Ameet Parekh's workshop, in simple words, lives up to its hype for me. My business partner had attended one of his workshops on business challenges and he couldn't stop talking about it. I didn't feel the need to attend another one but I did only because he insisted. I had read reviews like these too but never felt compelled enough to actually go and attend. But thankfully, I did and it was eye-opening. I started viewing operations, marketing, business model, sales, new product development etc from a very different perspective than before. My approach towards it has become more methodical and with a framework and we are now seeing clear change in the response because of our new strategies. So now I am the one who convinces everyone to attend a Ameet Parekh workshop like my business partner.

Ketan Patel

Workshop To Expand Your Business with Mindset and Strategy



"Entrepreneurs To Wealthprenurs Challenge" seminar by Mr Ameet Parekh was, without any exaggeration, the best business seminar I have attended in a long time. Not only was it informative like you'd expect a seminar to be, but throughout the session he tried to help us build an entrepreneurial mindset & skillset. He drilled mindset change being equally important than any business strategies one could learn and I completely agree with him. In less than Rs. 100 token fee payment he spend 1.5- 2 hours and gave us some amazing perspective on key business functions, mistake which we do and how do we sort the same. It was the best ever utilization of my Sunday morning. I am going to hold on to these teachings and apply them in my small business.

Harsh Vaishnav

Genuine Support and Business Results



In starting we have little bit misunderstanding but now everything seems good. So my journey started with registering for the 3 hour workshop and then moving on for the 3 days workshop, both the sessions gave me immense insights on why was I unable to grow my business and then what all do I need to fix in order to accelerate business growth. Then eventually I decided to go ahead with their coaching support system, where a specific coach get assigned to us in order to support us implementing all the processes, strategies and systems. My coach has been extremely proficient, we have been able to scale our business by 3X and also saved a ton of money on our sourcing. Our cashflow has gone down from 180 days to 21 days and we have opened a new channel. A major area where I have seen a relief is now I have a system to train my team to get tasks done and produce results. I have been mentoring my people to follow up, manage negotiations and collect money and all I am doing now is checking the reports.


Total Gamechanger for our Teaching Center



We use to run a small coaching centre for school kids in improving them in academics and we had a decent 200 students on a yearly basis with a 3 CR turn over but we knew we can do much more given the market we are in and the quality of services we offer. This lead us to reaching out and getting into business coaching purely to extract what more can we do with our business To be honest the first few session were just scolding and making me realising that there are so many loopholes in the way I run my business but I did understand that they were for my own good. In about 10 months we are already at 800 students, with an 8 CR turnover. Out of which we have donated 1 CR for a a temple construction. I can now see money in my account, and I think with help of our coach we are on are way to 2000 students by next year. So I believe sky is the limit now and extremely satisfied and happy that I took the decision to move ahead with coaching


Dealership Business Transformed



We have been deals in Godrej security products since half a decade and some of the major challenges we were facing were profitability, we were hardly making 5 or 6% from the revenue Operational cost was constantly growing and we had no grip o how to increase nee customer base and get more revenue. Which is when we got into the coaching system and to be honest it has been a transformational journey for us. Wishing 8 months of taking coaching we have grown our revenues from doing 77 lacs to 1.8 CR and we have created mechanism to lower are operation cost which has increased our profits from 6% to 15% This program has completely changed the course of our business growth and I think this has been a great experience.

Saurabh Mishara

Effective & strategic coaching



Since taking the sessions from 6 months by Ameet sir and team and my coach sir joseph das, now it’s going to affect my business with more profits hike approx 5%, improved Order delivery in Timely manner, also getting the clear vision that how to manage a business by applying there given pathway. So I believe that more effects will come by the end of the coaching program. But surely with the action I will take. Thanks to Ameet sir and team.

Sachin Shah

Massive Growth of my Dental Clinic



I am a dentist whose clinic was very slow in growth and had very little customer base and minimum footfall. I had a dream of making a chain of clinics but couldn\'t see how it would pan out. My team\'s morale was also going down. But after taking Coach Ameet Parekh\'s coaching and the one on one coaching sessions with Coach Joseph sir, the footfall went up by 50%, I could treat the record highest number of patients to date. I could place several systems and protocols for everything and I built a team of 3 dental assistants and 1 full-time doctor. All this in only 3 months. Coach Joseph provided the mindset, motivation, and tools required to take consistent action for success. I am projecting a massive 80-100% revenue growth by year-end. And now I think my dream of making a chain of clinics is not a distant dream but a possible goal for 3-5 yrs. Thank you Team Ameet Parekh (Coach Ameet sir, Aayush Joshi sir, Amit Monga sir & Coach Joseph sir) for all your support, encouragement, and love!


Using Ecommerce to Go 5X



We have been selling our lifestyle and home decor products for almost a decade now, through our retail outlets. Major challenge that we had in that model was foot falls, especially with the covid 19 in the picture. Our business was facing real issues to even manage the store bills and salaries. This is when I started looking out for a mentor or some expert who can guide us in saving our business. And thus started my journey of taking business coaching During our business model session, I agreed to start the ecommerce segment, though I didn\'t know how to do it, my coach and the entire team really helped me get a step by step support and the results have been phenomenal Our sales have gone up by 500% Our profits are back in line And in fact we are not scaling international markets through amazon global. Thanks to the entire team for all the support and help

Jatindra Das

Business Growth Accelerated



Let me tell you my experience in this program, have been running my interior design business from couple of years and the biggest challenge that I was not able to overcome at all was how to generate leads. The 3 days masterclass and then the one on one coaching gave me clear pathway on how to strategize my marketing efforts. In about 7 months we have been able to develop a proper marketing framework where I have channel partners pumping leads and I have leveraged advertising to acquire new projects. From no leads to about 40 leads a month has been transformational for my business. Our revenues have grown by 4X and now we are working on building a proper framework to run the operations thought effective systems. This has been the best decision of my life.

Anmariya Mohan

An Incredible Mentor I can Rely upon



When I first approached Ameet Parekh sir to give me some guidance for my consultancy business, I didn\'t expect it to scale up so fast. Because of his mentorship and my team\'s hardwork, we have now increased our clientele by a whopping 60%. I could\'ve never dreamed of such a growth. Thank you sir for being a mentor who\'s always there for his mentees. Anyone reading this who might need a mentor, trust me when I say you can put your complete faith in this man and he will give you the results you want.


A Truly Value for Money Course



A friend had called this coaching value for money so I am here. Since my course with them is now done, I can say I absolutely agree with my friend. In fact I feel like I got more than what I paid for. The knowledge I got about the day-to-day running of a business is truly priceless and I have been able to set systems and processes in my distribution business to ensure I get more time for myself and my family. Kudos to the people who have made this coaching program and Mr Parekh and his team who teaches this.

Shreyansh Trivedi

Ameet Parekh Business Program is Quite Effective



We are a Service Provider in the Marine Industry, the 3 Days Course by Ameet Parekh was Beyond my Expectations. Their Coaching Process has Solved Most of my Challenges Whether it\'s Related to Setting the Right Business Goal, Managing my Team, or Solving Business Challenges. This Program is Good for all Fields of Business and the Trainer Shares Street Smart Ways of Building a Solid Business Foundation

Jayanti Bhargav

Training\'s that Leads to Impact True



Have been Running my Financial Advisory Service Business from Past 5 Years and the Struggle was as Sir Says I was a One Man Army. Doing Everything Myself and getting Overwhelmed by all the Things I had to do Just to Survive. His course gave me Clarity of How to Shift from Being a Self Employed Person to an Actual Business Owner. I Started with Small Steps of getting a Small Team On Board, Training them and Delegating Some of the Mundane Work to them. Then I Worked with my Coach to Create some Strategic Marketing Methods so that I can Consistently have Customer Inquiries and Flow. This gave me a Whole New Level of Freedom from all the Day to Day Task and Focus on Acquiring New Customers which resulted in Increasing my Revenue by 100% in just 7 months. I feel Blessed to have an Entire Team of Coaches and Support System Behind me Helping me Take Smart Decision to Grow and Scale my Business Effectively.

Chandra Prakash

Good Business Training & Coaching Services



After Learning and Fun Filled 3 Days Session of Business Super Calls, I Wanted to get more Personalised Support so I went for personal coaching. In the First Month of the Program we Changed our Business Model to Working towards Becoming a Self-brand I Cracked my First Deal 3 Days Back, this is our First Deal under our brand. It has been 4 years since we started our Company. We have had Business in the past but all were in some other name, which means we did only Outsourced Projects for others. This is our first deal under our New Brand. I used some Techniques of the Summary Deal and Relationship Deal-making. Now, I am feeling Stronger and Empowered. We are Expecting to close some more deals in the coming weeks. I have also started keeping track of Leads, Conversion into Sales. Now, Implemented Digital Marketing tools to increase my Leads Funnel, so that is Growing as Well. All Around Success the value for Money of their Programs is Super and I got Full Worth in the Beginning Month, now it is all over and above.


Totally Recommend His Business Training Program



I have been a Participant in the 3 Days Masterclass of Coach Ameet Parekh. I am an Entrepreneur for the 7 Years but the Knowledge I got from the 3 Days Program was Phenomenal, in a Simple Language he made us Understand How to Build Systems in Business and I now feel Quite Positive in Applying these Learning and get Faster Growth. Thankful to his Entire Team and all other Trainer and Teachers who added Knowledge and I will take Personal Coaching now to Grow Even Faster. Thanks for Providing the Direction.

Rubba Khatun

Got Help in Developing the Right Strategy



I have come to Learn and Accept that the Right Business Strategy is Key to having Long Term Success in the Business World. Ameet Parekh sir Helped me Create Some very Powerful Business Goals for my E-commerce Business. His Lessons Helped me Layout Clear Strategies for the Next Year. I am Currently on that Path Right now and it is all been going According to Plan. Anyone wanting to Create Practical Business Strategies for themselves should definitely Consider Coming to Ameet Parekh sir.

Abhishek Padhyay

Got A Lot Out Of a 3 Days Program



Very Unexpectedly, I got to Learn Some Really Valuable Lessons from Ameet Parekh Sir 3 Days Program. It was Almost like a Crash Course on Running a Consistently Successful Business. From Goal Setting to Team Building, Everything was Covered. I even got to Revise my Original Business Model based on all the new Information we Learnt. Now the Implementation of all of these Remains, which will be Challenging for sure. But I am sure with the confidence that just these 3 Days have given me, it will be Doable.

Kriti Roy

The Visible Growth in Revenue



There are many So Called Gurus out there who Claim to help you with your Business. So Obviously at First, I was Skeptical about all these Claims that Ameet Parekh Coaching makes. I decided to give Try to the Entrepreneur To Wealthpreneurs Challenge Workshop and Then Decide Later on if I want to continue with the Advanced Course. Well, it was the best decision ever! After applying whatever I had Learned in the Entrepreneur To Wealthpreneurs Challenge Workshop, I could literally see a 20% growth in my Web Designing Business. Imagine the Potential with their Advanced Course. I am about to Sign up for it now and would Whole Heartedly Recommend Others to Think about Signing up too.

Rokey Singh

Coaches Helped me Manage our System



I can not Even Begin to Express How Grateful I am to have met all of the Coaches at Ameet Parekh Coaching Including the Man Behind the name himself. With their Assistance, in a Matter of 3 Months, I have Managed to set up a Full Fledged System that now helps me take care of Small and Big Aspects of my Business Simultaneously. It was all very Overwhelming for me to do before but after seeing how Smoothly these Operations are Running, I can not Believe I have More Productive Days now. I would Recommend Anyone Reading this to place their Trust in these Coaches Because they have the Power to Change your Whole Perspective Towards your Business.

Dr Jayesh Sandesara

Struggling in Business and it was only on Trial and Error Basis



I am a Gynecologist and Practicing since last 25 Years but Running a Multifacility Hospital since last 17 Years First I was a Trained Professional Gynecologist and a Hospital to run a Hospital is a Business and I was not knowing how to run a Business so every time we were Struggling in Business and it was only on Trial and Error basis and I was working like a firefighter as a Ameet Parekh says here and there every day running and feeling like yes I am doing something but results were not getting and revenues were not improving initially I was so busy but there was no job role clarity about myself as a business owner now systems and processes are established so only 80 percent time is for Marketing sales and strategy making and 20 only goes for operational activities see when we started this course we had decided one target Financial goal so we have crossed that goal in this year and that is a big achievement and second thing that gave us our confidence that yes we can run this project so we had our investor partner and recently we could remove him from our hospital so now we are the only owner of this hospital so that is the biggest achievement for us we made a 30 plus uh growth in our revenues this year so that is a major change for me now I have more time for myself I am more relaxed and I am more focused actually and we are happy together and I will specially thank to You and Joseph sir he is my Personal Coach.

Anitha Sivaprasad




I am Anitha Sivaprasad I am running a business called MODERN AGRO HORTI INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS Private Limited Shortly called MAHIS I deal with the Organic And Chemical Free Food Production and Distribution.Food products from farm to plate So before starting With Ameet Parekh Sir, Coaching Classes we were facing with the challenges of how to give the time and resources adequately to the Business. So we were scared and lost because it is a very big venture that we have gone into and we required Hand Holding So, once we enrolled in this coaching program, we saw that the departments we were able to structure better and that includes the eight spokes which always Sir says and making the roles and responsibilities of people involved the SOPs were in place for functioning of departments we had a good feedback systems From both employees and the customers a like And doing all the structuring enabled us to gain doubling our revenue from 19 lakhs to 38 lakhs just in a six months And this is very much because of the Coaching Next in person level I was really free Much of my time was spent for my health and family reasons and we became more bonded and we became more bonded with the people around us, whether customers or employees and we understood each other better. And definitely this is a holistic program for business owners and everybody should go through this It\'s a very wonderful experience

Rohit Talvar

Lighting Products and Services



Hi everyone my name is Rohit Talvar and I am into the business of lighting products and services we deal in commercial residential architectural decorative lighting and many customers right so we are One-Stop solution for all your lighting needs so the challenges which I was facing before joining the coaching session it was that there was no growth plan in our business and there was no marketing plan there was no strategy there were no Sops no systems in place and we were not able to increase our Revenue being in the market from so many years but we were stuck so after I joined the coaching session the major results was we started doing marketing and we generated more leads and through more details converted more sales which eventually converted into more Revenue so from 35 lakhs to 40 lakhs Revenue per month now we are touching up to 1.5 CR of Revenue a month after putting the strategy the marketing strategy in place the system in place by increasing the team earlier we were around 10 people in a business but now we are 50 plus people in our business and overall my experience with the coaching and the Dr Ameet Parekh team has been amazing since the beginning every sessions was insightful sessions it was very supportive even the coaches and the team so yeah overall experience was great for me.

Amit Oswal




I am a Root Canal Specialist Dentist and I am into Private Practice since eight years now and before getting into coaching I had a lot of challenges with my nature of my Business actually I had three major problems getting less lean second was I had no team at all I was a one-man Army and third is I never had consistent cash flow so after getting coaching I was very apprehensive whether this coaching process will be applicable to my nature of business or not but it changed my business and my life drastically my Revenue has doubled my number of leads that are getting that I am getting every month and every year now has tripled and I have consistent cash flow coming I don\'t have to worry about cash flow anymore and also I am getting more and more positive reviews I have been able to get into corporate Dentistry I have started a YouTube channel where we are into SEO social media and we are also looking into branding of our Dental Clinic so overall the experience with Dr Ameet Parekh Sir, Ayush Joshi Sir Amit Monga Sir has been awesome and I recommend everybody to take help and the constant motivation that comes with the coaching process in a weekly Manner and the coaching session that happen every month helps a lot it gets zero constant push and gives you a right direction to go around it so take the help you will get a support and definitely you will move forward.

Akshay Kumar Tyagi

Interior Designing Company



Hi my name is Akshay Kumar Tyagi and I am from Gurgaon I run my Company by the Name of Joy Homes which is a Interior Designing Company and Primarily Handling TurnKey Tier Projects over the past six years we have been running this Company so first and foremost the Challenge was like I was a one-man show and I was running around Helter Skelter at every single place I was the Operations I did I watched the sales and I was the client head everything right from the start till the end I was involved and the entire team was also it was very underrated flow of the work we were absolutely being relied on the word of mouth or reference from our current and ex clients which as on data I feel is a very unrealistic and very unscientific method because I have absolutely zero control how many reference I will get in a month the biggest learning till date is that you know I have been able to define the clarity of a role for my team decided on clarifying the Job Role Clarity of every single person talking about Revenues I think it was anywhere about 20 25 lakh now we are sitting at an 80 lakh I am happy with my coach the way he is mentoring this in the way he is available every single time so rather than a coach I would say he is a very good friend I have loved it and I\'m sure people whosoever joins the program they will love it Thank you

Hemal Kamdeer

Accounting Firm



Hie My Name is Hemal Kamdaar I run a Accounting Firm so before joining the CENTRE OF BUSINESS EXCELLENCE Program I did not know anything about planning a Business, had No grip on Various Department & did not have any Idea how to Plan Marketing, Sales & Operation. After Joining the program my sales grew from having 50K to 120K per year Clients. Started Channel Partnerships with CA across the Country. Started Upselling & Cross Selling with High Ticket consulting projects worth 7-8 Lacs. From being an accountant became a Specialist in Accounting and Financial MIS Management


Educational Institute



Hello, My Name is Balaraju I have an educational Institute so before coming to Ameet Parekh sir Didn’t know what turnover or profit was I making, Student enrolment were dropping. Had no clue how to increase student base Did not know how to Recruit right staff to offer quality services. But after Attending 3 Days Program In 3 to 4 months from 400 students enrolling in institute we went to going 800 and on track for 2000 enrolments this year. Revenue Grew from 3 CR to 8 CR in just 7 Months. I would suggest every Business Owner to Join his program and taking coaching from him.

Arjun Prasad

Rubber Manufacturing Unit



Hi myself Arjun Prasad I run a Rubber Manufacturing Unit. So I only use to have 4-5 Projects in a year, my revenue was stuck since the last 5 years were not able to crack the International Market & I was struggling to manage cash flow. Then I enrolled in Ameet Parekh sir Coaching Program and from 4-5 projects yearly I got 44 Projects in 2 months, I started exporting & building Distributions Partners and got 10X growth in Revenue. I really thank you Ameet Parekh Sir

Siddharth Panchal

Coaching Institute for 11th & 12th Grade



Hi, Siddharth Panchal here so basically I give coaching to 11th & 12th Grade Students. So the problem I was facing was that the revenue was Inconsistent, no Marketing Plans & Team was underperforming. Then after taking Coaching from Ameet Parekh sir my Marketing system was set in order, I started getting proper lead generation funnels were designed, Service Delivery is Improved. Revenue Growth from 36 Lacs PA to 86 Lacs in 22-23. I was able to get out of fear of taking New Steps & Decisions.

Anand Kumar

Market Research Business



Hello myself Anand Kumar I am in the Market Research business first the challenges I use to face was that managing large teams, revenue was falling due to no strategies, having no grip on Profit or Loss, and cashflow being miserable with more than 90% customers on credit lines then after attending the 3 days program we created new service offering that made sure that profitability moved from 0.65% to 4%, the cashflow challenge was resolved converted 25% of customers from credit to cash & carry Now I am leading without any pressure or stress on me or my Team.

Hiten Panchal

Dealership Business Transformed



I am into the Dealership Business of Godrej Safety Products before joining the coaching program I only had a turnover of 77 Lacs profitability was only 6%, I had no structure in business was doing everything by myself, Opex was increasing day by day, had no marketing strategy to acquire a new customer I was planning to shut my business but since I started taking coaching program We created a system that reduced Opex, created process to get new customers, revenue moved from 77 lacs to 1.62 CR in just 8 months.

Gautam Shah

Software Product Company



Hello there I am Gautam Shah, and I run a Software Product Company that was once faced with some significant challenges. But through strategic efforts and a passion for growth, we managed to turn things around and achieve remarkable results.When I took charge, we encountered several hurdles that needed immediate attention The roles and responsibilities within our team were not clearly defined, leading to confusion and inefficiencies.We had zero processes or systems in place, making it difficult to streamline our operations and deliver services effectively.Internal mismanagement affected our ability to provide top-notch services to our clients, leading to dissatisfaction.Most decisions and resolutions were dependent on me, causing delays and bottlenecks in the workflow.I was fully immersed in the business, leaving little time for strategic planning and personal well-being. To address these challenges, we implemented several key initiatives.We designed a clear organization structure, defining roles and responsibilities for each team member, creating a more focused and accountable work environment.Every team member received comprehensive job descriptions, ensuring they understood their roles and had a sense of ownership over their tasks.We introduced efficient processes and Management Information Systems (MIS) to streamline our operations and enhance overall productivity.Encouraging a culture of ownership among the team members allowed them to take initiative and share responsibilities, lightening the overall workload.Our efforts bore fruit, and we experienced impressive results Our revenue skyrocketed by an incredible 50%, putting us in a strong position in the market.With the changes we implemented, I now take seven days off from work every month, allowing me to recharge and focus on strategic planning.By empowering our team and delegating responsibilities, I have transitioned from working IN the business to working ON its growth and development.The transformation of our Software Product Company has been a truly fulfilling journey. By addressing the challenges head-on and empowering our team, we have achieved remarkable growth and improved our work-life balance.

Rishikesh Gadhilkar

Manufacturer of Cosmetic Products



I am Rishikesh Gadhilkar, and I want to share with you the remarkable transformation that our family-owned cosmetic products manufacturing business underwent. We faced several challenges, but through dedication, innovation, and determination, we managed to overcome them and achieve exceptional results. As a family business, we cherished the strong bond between our members, but it often led to a lack of clarity in decision-making and responsibilities. With everyone trying to do everything, it became challenging to streamline our operations and devise a focused growth strategy. Despite being an established brand, we encountered difficulties in generating consistent and substantial revenues. Our sales were stagnant, preventing us from reaching our full potential and expanding our market share. Our sales seemed to be stuck at a certain point, and despite our best efforts, we were unable to break through that barrier. The repetitive challenges in our sales processes were hindering our progress. We identified numerous inefficiencies in our day-to-day operations, leading to waste of time and resources. These inefficiencies were hampering our ability to respond swiftly to market demands and customer needs. Through a series of strategic initiatives and a customer-centric approach, we managed to double our monthly revenues from 45 lacs to an impressive 1 CR. This tremendous growth not only boosted our financial standing but also fueled our motivation to aim even higher. We recognized the need to build a more productive team that aligns with our vision and values. By providing training, implementing performance-based incentives, and fostering a positive work environment, we witnessed a remarkable transformation in our team\'s productivity and the results they delivered. Through open and honest discussions, we addressed the issues within our top management. Finding common ground and understanding each other\'s strengths and aspirations, we forged a united front, which has since been instrumental in guiding the company toward success. To expand our business and increase our turnover, we ventured into export markets and contract manufacturing. These diversifications not only boosted our revenues but also allowed us to gain exposure to international markets, helping us refine our products to meet global standards. Our journey of transforming the family cosmetic business has been both challenging and rewarding. By addressing the challenges head-on, we were able to achieve remarkable results and position ourselves as a prominent player in the industry. Our commitment to excellence, innovation, and collaborative decision-making has set the foundation for sustained growth and success. We are excited about the future and look forward to continuing this remarkable journey.

Vijendra Mandaliya




Greetings! I am Vijendra Mandaliya, and I am thrilled to share with you the inspiring journey of how I transformed from a simple tailor to a successful retail icon. Facing numerous challenges and obstacles along the way, I managed to overcome them and achieve remarkable results, positioning myself as a designer and boutique, and establishing my store as a prominent landmark in the area. As a simple tailor with a small retail store, I struggled to expand my business and increase its footprint. I lacked the know-how and strategies to take my store to new heights.Being just a tailor, my store lacked the brand recognition necessary to attract a broader customer base and establish myself as a leader in the fashion industry. I faced challenges in increasing the average ticket size, which limited the revenue potential of my retail store. I operated my business in a traditional galla-driven retail style, which proved to be limiting in terms of efficiency and growth. I needed a shift towards a more structured and team-driven approach. With no clear growth strategy in place, I struggled to envision the path forward for my retail business. Through relentless dedication and strategic planning, I managed to grow my retail store from a modest 200 sq feet to an impressive 2000 sq feet. This expansion allowed me to showcase a wider range of products and cater to a larger customer base. By introducing unique and premium products, providing personalized services, and enhancing the overall shopping experience, I successfully increased my average ticket size from 1500 to 5000 INR, thereby significantly boosting my revenue. I positioned myself as a designer and my store as a boutique, focusing on exclusive and customized offerings that set us apart from competitors. This shift allowed me to gain a distinct identity in the market and attract a loyal clientele. Recognizing the importance of skilled talent, I launched a training academy to nurture and hire new talent. This initiative not only improved the quality of our services but also contributed to the growth and success of the retail store. To expand my brand presence further, I launched a franchise model that proved to be immensely successful. Currently, three profitable franchises are thriving across Maharashtra, spreading the influence of my brand even further. To share my knowledge and experiences, I ventured into writing and public speaking, establishing myself as an author and speaker in the fashion industry. Through consistent efforts and a focus on customer satisfaction, my retail store has now become a landmark in the area, attracting customers from far and wide. My journey from a simple tailor to a retail icon has been an incredible one, filled with challenges, growth, and triumphs. By embracing innovation, developing a growth mindset, and investing in talent and customer experiences, I have managed to achieve phenomenal results. I am grateful for the support and loyalty of my customers and team, and I look forward to continuing this transformative journey in the ever-evolving world of retail.

Nitin Bhatia

Data Mining and Research Services



I am delighted to share my remarkable journey and transformation after availing the Data Mining and Research Services. When I first approached them, my business was facing significant challenges, and I was personally involved in every department, struggling to break the barrier of 3 Cr revenue for the past four years. Rising operational expenses were eating into our profitability, and I knew we needed a change Their Center of Business Excellence Coaching proved to be a game-changer for us, and I can\'t thank them enough for their invaluable contributions. Challenges in our business were met with innovative solutions they helped us identify opportunities for increasing revenue per customer through forward and backward integration. This strategic move not only opened up new avenues but also strengthened our existing offerings.With their expert guidance, we diversified our service offerings, tapping into previously untapped markets. This enabled us to generate additional revenue streams, setting us on the path to rapid growth. Through a carefully crafted procurement strategy, they assisted us in reducing our operational expenses significantly. This cost optimization allowed us to redirect resources to more productive areas, ultimately leading to enhanced efficiency. By implementing their recommended resource optimization techniques, our team\'s productivity skyrocketed. With improved coordination and streamlined processes, we achieved more with the same workforce. The results we achieved are nothing short of phenomenal Thanks to the cost-saving strategies and efficiency improvements, we successfully reduced our operational expenses by an impressive 10%, enhancing our overall financial health. They empowered us to create a more sustainable work-life balance. Now, I am only required to work three days a week, allowing me to focus on strategic aspects and personal interests. The most astounding outcome of our collaboration was the rapid revenue growth. In just six months, our revenue soared from 1.5 Cr to a remarkable 3 Cr. They has undoubtedly been instrumental in turning around my business, and I wholeheartedly recommend their Data Mining and Research Services to any entrepreneur facing challenges or aiming for substantial growth. Their expertise, commitment, and innovative approach truly make them the best in the industry. Thank you once again for transforming my business and propelling it to new heights!

Dr Sandesh Pawar

Cosmetic Surgeon



I am thrilled to share my incredible experience after seeking the expertise of Team Ameet Parekh. As a cosmetic surgeon facing numerous challenges, I was desperately seeking a way to streamline and scale my clinic\'s operations. The professional guidance and support I received from Ameet Parekh Sir and the team proved to be the turning point in my career. The challenges I encountered as a cosmetic surgeon were daunting My clinic\'s operations were heavily reliant on me, making it difficult to take time off or focus on strategic growth initiatives. Despite my expertise, I struggled with attracting new clients and promoting my clinic effectively. I lacked well-defined strategic offers that would entice potential clients and create a strong market presence. The absence of a capable leadership team made it challenging to manage and scale my clinic\'s operations effectively. With the Team support, I witnessed a remarkable transformation in my practice They helped me assemble a competent and efficient leadership team that now manages the day-to-day clinic operations. This has freed up my time significantly, allowing me to focus on providing exceptional patient care. With their expert guidance, I implemented effective marketing strategies that resulted in a substantial increase in client footfall. Their insights into the cosmetic surgery industry were invaluable in creating a strong brand presence. This not only reduced my involvement but also laid the groundwork for opening new clinics in the future. And the results achieved have been beyond my expectations Thanks to the strategic marketing strategies and efficient operations, my current clinic has experienced a phenomenal revenue growth of 100%. I am no longer bogged down by day-to-day clinic operations. This newfound freedom allows me to focus on my patients and explore avenues for personal and professional growth. I now have a dedicated and capable leadership team that runs and manages the clinic, ensuring smooth operations and a seamless patient experience. I cannot thank Ameet Parekh sir and his team enough for their unwavering support and transformative services. Their expertise has propelled my clinic success and enabled me to achieve a healthier work-life balance. I wholeheartedly recommend Ameet Parekh Sir Coaching to any medical professional seeking growth and operational excellence.

Anil Parmmar

Manufacturing of LED lights and Bulbs



The Remarkable Journey of My LED Lights Manufacturing Venture. Running my LED lights and bulbs manufacturing business presented a set of tough hurdles that demanded immediate attention and innovative solutions. I\'ll admit, managing the financial aspect of the company was quite challenging. I was not able to optimize the allocation of resources, leading to financial instability. Cashflow management became a pressing concern. The lack of a strong system made it difficult to meet regular expenses and invest in growth opportunities. Our profitability was on a downward slide, and it greatly concerned me. I knew that we needed to turn things around to secure our future. These issues combined to put the business in a precarious hand-to-mouth situation, limiting our ability to expand and prosper. Determined to overcome these challenges and lead my company to success, I sought guidance from experienced professionals who could help us navigate these rough waters. The experts helped us transform our business organization. We streamlined departments, redefined responsibilities, and set clear goals, which boosted our efficiency and accountability. With the experts help, we crafted tailored strategic plans for each department. These blueprints kept everyone on the same page, working harmoniously towards our common objectives. We worked together to develop a robust cashflow management system. This proved to be a game-changer, as it enabled us to better handle receivables, payables, and working capital, ensuring greater financial stability. Our relentless efforts, combined with the invaluable support of our consultants, yielded exceptional outcomes, turning the tide for my LED lights manufacturing venture. The strategic planning and operational efficiency we embraced resulted in a remarkable 2X increase in revenue. Our revamped structure facilitated faster decision-making and more prudent resource management. The implementation of sound financial practices and streamlined operations contributed to an impressive 2X growth in profitability. This newfound stability allowed us to invest in research and development for future innovations. With our financial situation improved, I finally got the chance to take a well-deserved break after four years. I enjoyed a heartwarming vacation with my family, cherishing those precious moments. The journey of my LED lights manufacturing company exemplifies the transformative power of strategic planning and effective management. Through determination and the valuable guidance we received, we conquered our financial challenges, achieved significant growth, and created a healthier work-life balance for myself and my beloved family. I look forward to even brighter days ahead for my business.

Prabha Unadkat

Hearing Aids clinic



Hi, I am Prabha Unadkat, an 80-year-old audiologist with 35 years of experience running my hearing aids clinic, Hearing Ads Clinic. I faced challenges in customer acquisition, market reputation, revenue generation, and team management. But, I found solutions and achieved fantastic results through strategic changes. Getting new customers was tough because we lacked effective marketing and brand recognition. This affected customer trust and loyalty, making it hard for them to choose us for their hearing aid needs. Our revenue and profits were disappointingly low, hindering growth and improvements. Handling consultations and closings alone overwhelmed me, leaving little time for other crucial tasks. I reworked the sales process, offering spot offers to attract customers instantly. I used social media for marketing, creating viral campaigns to reach more people. I introduced online appointments and home visits for better convenience. I hired skilled audiologists, improving our team and efficiency. Our revenue grew by an impressive 100% Profits increased by 60%. The closing ratio improved by 70%. I had more time for important decisions and enjoyed my work. My journey with Hearing Aids Clinic was transformative. Dedication and innovation led to success, making our clinic thrive and gain market prestige. We continue to make a positive impact on the lives of many individuals with hearing difficulties. This proves that with hard work, anyone can achieve great results, no matter the age or market standing.

Chirag Lalwani

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Solution



Hi, I Am Chirag Lalwani, a third-generation entrepreneur with a 45-year-old business in manufacturing and supply chain solutions for industries like automotive. Over the years, I encountered several challenges that hindered my business growth and personal fulfillment. However, through dedication and strategic efforts, I was able to overcome these obstacles and achieve remarkable results. Here is my story For a long time, I felt trapped in the day-to-day business operations, and I wanted to break free from this cycle. I knew there was more I could achieve, but I needed to find a way to step back and focus on the bigger picture. To elevate my business, I needed a capable and reliable team. Finding the right people with the necessary skills and dedication was a challenge that I had to address. Being part of a family-run business had its own set of challenges. I needed to establish clear roles and create a harmonious work environment that encouraged open communication and efficient decision-making. I had a long-standing desire to scale and grow my business, but I often found myself stuck in a cycle of indecision, deferring important decisions with a Dekhenge baad mei attitude. To build a better team, I carefully evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of each member and aligned them with the right roles. Training and support were provided to enhance their skills and boost their performance. To manage day-to-day operations effectively, I set up clear systems and processes. This streamlined our workflow, enhanced efficiency, and reduced errors. I addressed the challenges of a family-run business by establishing transparent roles and responsibilities for all family partners. This created a more structured and collaborative work environment. To overcome procrastination, I developed a solid accountability system for myself and other family partners. This motivated us to take timely action and make important decisions without hesitation. Through the implementation of strategic changes and a more efficient team, our revenue grew from 2 CR to an impressive 4.5 CR, marking a significant milestone for our business. The efforts to streamline operations and enhance decision-making led to a doubling of our profits, moving from 5% to 10%. By successfully delegating responsibilities and implementing efficient processes, I can now leave the office on time and spend quality time with my family. We make it a point to go out together once a month, creating cherished memories. The positive changes in my business have also provided me with more time to indulge in activities I enjoy, enriching my personal life and overall well-being. My journey to success was not without challenges, but I embraced them as opportunities for growth. By streamlining my team, implementing efficient systems, establishing clear roles in a family-run business, and fostering accountability, I was able to achieve remarkable results. The growth in revenue and profits, along with the improved work-life balance and enjoyment of life, are the tangible rewards of my efforts. I am proud of the transformation that my business and personal life have undergone, and I am excited to see where the future takes us.

Krunal Rawalji

Mobile and Web Development Agency



Hello, I am Krunal Rawalji, the founder of a mobile and web development agency, and I am thrilled to share our transformative journey towards sustainable growth. When we started, the market was fiercely competitive and saturated, making it tough to stand out. Securing profitable deals was a constant struggle, and I found myself caught up in daily operational tasks, leaving little room for strategic planning. To overcome these challenges, we embarked on a path of transformation, determined to turn the tide in our favor. The first crucial step was crafting a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that would set us apart from the competition. Through in-depth market analysis and understanding our clients pain points, we positioned ourselves as specialists in delivering tailor-made, cutting-edge solutions aligned with their business objectives. Venturing into new markets with higher margins and demand was another pivotal move. We immersed ourselves in emerging technologies and identified niche industries where our expertise could make a significant impact. Although it was a bold step, targeting clients who valued top-quality services allowed us to command higher prices and generate better margins. Perhaps the most significant change was streamlining our operations through effective management systems. We embraced project management tools and assigned responsibilities based on our team members strengths. This not only increased efficiency but also allowed me to step back from micromanagement and focus on building long-term client relationships and exploring growth opportunities. The results of our transformation have been nothing short of remarkable. Our profitability soared by an impressive 30%, a testament to the success of our strategic changes. Moreover, with streamlined operations, I now have more time to dedicate to critical decision-making, empowering our team and fostering creativity. Working with dream clients has been a deeply rewarding outcome. Our redefined USP attracted clients who genuinely appreciate our expertise, enabling us to deliver our best work and build lasting partnerships. Collaborating with these clients has not only strengthened our reputation in the industry but also enriched our journey as a business. Our transformative journey continues, fueled by the spirit of innovation and the pursuit of excellence. Embracing change has been the key to our growth, and we are excited to take on new challenges in the ever-evolving mobile and web development landscape. Thank you Ameet Parekh Sir and we look forward to creating more success stories together!

Shankar M Rao

Co-working space



Before I met Ameet Parekh Sir and his team, my co-working space business was facing tough times. We were not making enough money, and some clients owed us money for a long time. It was all getting too much for me to handle alone, and our payment system was causing cash flow problems. But thanks to Ameet Parekh Sir and his team help, everything changed for the better! They showed us some important changes to make, and it completely turned our business around. First, they helped us set up a great marketing team that brought in more and better customers. This made a big difference for us! Next, they showed us how to deal with the clients who owed us money. We created a new process for collecting payments, and it worked like magic! We got all the money we were owed, and we started getting paid on time from our new clients too. Ameet Sir and his team also taught us how to train our own team better and let them take charge of their own work. This made our work smoother, and I did not have to handle everything myself anymore. I want to say a big thank you to Ameet Parekh Sir and his team for all their guidance and support. Because of them, my business is doing really well now, and I feel so much more confident about the future. Our revenue has grown by more than 100% in the last year, and I have the freedom to explore new opportunities. I am so grateful for everything Ameet Sir and his team have done for us. They truly transformed my co-working space business, and I\'m excited to see what the future holds. Thank you, Ameet Parekh Sir & Team!

Shahnawaz Saleem

Online Grocery Store



Hello there, I am Shahnawaz Saleem, the owner of an online grocery store, and I want to take this moment to express my deepest gratitude to Ameet Parekh and his incredible team. When I started my journey, I faced numerous challenges that made me wonder if success was possible. But with the unwavering support and guidance of Ameet Parekh and his team, my business has flourished beyond my wildest dreams. Before I met Ameet and his team, I lacked a clear plan to market my business effectively. Our delivery system was not up to par for expanding pan India, and my business felt disorganized, with no proper day to day management plan. Revenue generation was stagnant, and we were stuck at 5 CR per year. But Ameet Parekh and his teams strategic approach and expertise turned everything around for me. They helped set up a robust organizational structure that streamlined our operations and improved overall efficiency. With their guidance, we established Key Result Areas (KRAs) and a Competence Development Plan for my team, empowering them to excel in their roles. One of the most significant achievements, thanks to Ameet and his team, was the successful expansion of our delivery network across India. This opened up new opportunities and significantly boosted our revenue. In just seven months of working together, we achieved an astounding 12 CR in revenue, far surpassing our previous limits. However, the most priceless outcome of this transformation was the gift of quality time with my family and friends. Thanks to Ameet and his teams support, I could strike a perfect work-life balance and cherish precious moments with my loved ones. Ameet Parekh and his team have truly transformed my online grocery store and my life. Their unwavering dedication, expertise, and genuine care for their clients have made all the difference. I wholeheartedly recommend Ameet Parekh and his team to anyone seeking to take their business to new heights. Once again, thank you, Ameet Parekh and team, for being the guiding force behind my success. I am forever grateful for this incredible journey we have embarked upon together. Your support has made a world of difference, and I am excited for the bright future that lies ahead for my online grocery store.

Amruth Rao




Dr. Ameet Parekh Entrepreneurs to Wealthpreneurs Challenge Workshop was an enlightening experience. His dynamic presentation style and practical insights left a profound impact. The blend of real-world examples with theoretical knowledge made the content relatable and actionable. The 90-day transformational journey he outlined resonated deeply, offering a path to elevate ones entrepreneurial journey. The workshop was not just informative but transformative, equipping attendees with tools and a refreshed mindset. Dr. Parekh dedication to our success was evident, making this workshop a must for those seeking practical strategies for growth on the path from entrepreneurs to wealthpreneurs.

Nitin Deshpande




Dr. Ameet Parekhs Entrepreneurs to Wealthpreneurs Challenge Workshop proved invaluable, offering a comprehensive grasp of business dynamics and their real-world application. The workshop is fusion of theory and practical scenarios fostered clear insights into business management. Particularly striking was its ability to spotlight past mistakes, allowing for immediate correction. The programs hands on approach, with interactive sessions and exercises, generated instant improvements in my business strategies. This workshop is a transformative opportunity for entrepreneurs seeking to refine their approach, providing actionable insights and practical tools to drive enduring growth. Ameet Parekhs expertise makes this investment a must for aspiring business leaders.

Dhrupad Patel




Dr. Ameet Parekhs Entrepreneurs to Wealthpreneurs Challenge Workshop was truly eye-opening. For just Rs99, it offered immense value. The insights gained were priceless. The sessions simplicity made it easy to understand, even for someone new to business concepts. The workshops content was both practical and actionable, making it a fantastic investment. Dr. Parekhs guidance bridged the gap between theory and real-world application. If you are looking to expand your business understanding without breaking the bank, this workshop is a golden opportunity. It is a wise choice for anyone seeking straightforward and effective strategies to grow as an entrepreneur.

Bhavesh Thakor




Dr. Ameet Parekhs Entrepreneurs to Wealthpreneurs Challenge Workshop was a refreshing experience. While I have attended numerous speaker webinars, this one stood out. In just a short time, it managed to deliver a unique perspective. The content was engaging and distinct from the usual fare. Dr. Parekhs approach resonated with practicality and relevance, setting it apart from other webinars. If you are seeking something different, an insightful webinar that breaks the mold, this program is a notable choice. It is a breath of fresh air in the world of motivational workshops, leaving a lasting impact in a concise timeframe.

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