5 secrets to increase your sales in business
The Backbone for any business to sustain is sales. If the wheel of sales is broken in any business it will directly lead to breakdown and in fact, 95% of businesses that shut down as per the research are because of low or no sales. So, Let’s discover a few secrets which can […]
Critical Recruitment Mistakes To Avoid While Building The Business
Most business owners think that they can build a successful business without having a team One of the most essential elements for any business to thrive is its ability to recruit the right talent and eventually build a strong and efficient team. If you are not equipped with the right mechanism and the mindset to […]
4 Mistakes To Avoid While Giving Feedback
“Feedback is the breakfast of champion” How often have you read this quote? Well As a business owner, it is your duty to ensure that the people working for you are performing at their best. And one way to do so is by giving them feedback on their work. But sadly, this is where most […]
How to increase your productivity as a business owner
One of the most critical elements that a business owner must focus on to drive higher results is to be absolutely fierce in guarding their productivity. A big reason businesses get into trouble is that business owners do everything apart from what they are supposed to do in their business. Here is a framework that […]
How to overcome stagnancy in business
One of the biggest problems that small and medium businesses face is they get stuck at a certain level and don’t surpass results after some time in their business. Today, we will discuss the 4 areas in which a business owner can take action, to break the cycle of stagnancy in business. 1. Fixing your […]
How to drive innovation in your business
One of the things that most business owners fail to understand is that innovation is the key to constant growth in any business. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to look at different ways to bring innovation to your company. So what do I mean when I say innovation is required? What is […]
How to manage people and be a better leader
One of the biggest areas where most entrepreneurs face challenges is managing their people and functioning as leaders. Today we will understand a practical approach of managing, retaining, and building people to become more responsible and result-driven. 1. Take an effort to understand your people Everybody who is working with you has their own set […]
How to win trust for acquiring new clients
One of the biggest challenges most start-ups and small and medium businesses face is they don’t know how to win trust to acquire new customers. The majority of people buy certain products and services because they trust that these products or services or the company offering them will either resolve their challenges or help them […]
Why do small businesses continue to remain small
So today, let us understand the fundamental reasons why a majority of businesses stay small forever. Below are the 4 parameters that are responsible for this problem. 1. Lack of systems in business This is by far one of the biggest contributors to businesses being small because most small and medium-sized businesses, in most cases, […]
5 business skills every entrepreneur must have
Most people get into business to be their own boss, create wealth, and achieve financial freedom. These are all absolutely valid and good reasons to become an entrepreneur. But where most people never focus is acquiring the right skills to be effective as an entrepreneur and achieve the goals for which they started this journey. […]